Create a Life You Love!

Change Your Mind - Transform Your Life

Create a Life You Love!

Change Your Mind - Transform Your Life

End The Struggle For Good

Unlock Your Full Potential + Become the Best Version of Yourself

It's time to GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY and create success, abundance and happiness in your life.

Click the button below to schedule a free 15-minute Discovery Call.

End The Struggle For Good

Unlock Your Full Potential + Become the Best Version of Yourself

It's time to GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY and create success, abundance and happiness in your life.

Click the button below to schedule a free 15-minute Discovery Call.

Do You Feel Stuck In Your Life?

Do You Feel Stuck In Your Life?

Learn How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

In this FREE video training you will learn how to overcome self-doubt and procrastination to become happier and more prosperous. Sign up below:

Ready For Your Transformation?!

These powerful resources will help you gain clarity and create the

change you desire.

Ready For Your Transformation?!

Learn How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

In this FREE video training you will learn how to overcome self-doubt and procrastination to become happier and more prosperous.

Ready For Your Transformation?!

These powerful resources will help you gain

clarity and create the change you desire.

Ready For Your Transformation?!

Life Assessment

Take inventory of each area of your life and rate its relative quality level, so you can uncover which areas are creating stress or unhappiness.

Take the Leap

Grab my book and learn how to release your limiting beliefs, bust out of your comfort zone, and live the life you dream about.

Becoming Unlimited

In this full immersion self-study course you will learn how to get unstuck in life. The next best thing to working with me 1:1!

Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind!

Listen, Watch & Subscribe

Listen, Watch & Subscribe

Check out my latest teachings and behind

the scenes.

Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind!

Listen, Watch & Subscribe

Listen, Watch & Subscribe!

Check out my latest teachings and behind the scenes.

Mind Over Matter

Podcast episodes drop 2x a week. Get tips & tricks on creating a better reality - on all podcast platforms.

Watch My Videos

New videos published weekly. Learn tools to reprogram your subconscious mind and create your ideal reality.

The 'Gram

Did we just become best friends?! Get a look behind the scenes, daily routines, travel & more!

Mind Over Matter

Podcast episodes drop 2x a week. Get tips & tricks on creating a better reality - on all podcast platforms.

Watch My Videos

New videos published weekly. Learn tools to reprogram your subconscious mind and create your ideal reality.

The 'Gram

Did we just become best friends?! Get a look behind the scenes, daily routines, travel & more!

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© 2022 Heather Hakes LLC

© 2022 Heather Hakes LLC